How To Install Cac Reader For Mac

  1. Ensure your CAC reader works with Mac
  2. Check to ensure your Mac accepts the reader
  3. Check your Mac OS version
  4. Check your CAC’s version
  5. Update your DOD certificates
  6. Guidance for Firefox Users
  7. Look at graphs to see which CAC enabler to use
Mac friendly cac reader

In this video, I walk you through enabling CAC on your Mac via CACKey and

Step 1: Purchase a Mac Friendly CAC Reader

Purchase a CAC reader that works for your Mac. There are only a couple that you can choose from and I’ve listed them below.

If you already have a CAC reader and it isn’t Mac friendly, you could update the firmware, however, for the non-tech savvy people out there, it’s probably better to just purchase a new one and save the headache – they’re only ~$11-13 dollars.

Best Mac Compatible CAC USB Readers

Best Mac Compatible CAC Desk Readers

Step 2: Plug in and Ensure It’s Accepted

Once you have your CAC reader, plug it into your Mac and ensure your computer recognizes it. If you have one of the CAC readers we suggested above, then you should be good to go.

If you are testing a different version, then verify that your Mac accepts your CAC reader by following these steps.

If for some reason your CAC reader isn’t working, then try the following steps.

Step 3: Update Your DOD Certificates

Now that you have your CAC reader connected and accepted on your Mac computer, it’s time to ensure you have the right certificates in order to access DOD CAC required web pages.

If you are using Chrome or Safari, then follow step 3a below. If you are using Firefox, you’ll need to do some extra steps:

  1. Type ⇧⌘U (Shift + Command + U) to access your Utilities
  2. Find and Double click “Keychain Access”
  3. Select “Login” and “All Items”
  4. Download the following four files and double click each once downloaded so as to install in your Keychain Access.
  5. When you double-click the Mac Root Cert 3 and 4, you’ll need to tell your browser to always trust them. Click the button like you see below:

Additional Steps for Firefox

  1. Download All Certs zip and double click to unzip all 39 files
  2. While in Firefox, click “Firefox” on the top left, then “Preferences”
  3. Then Click “Advanced” > “Certificates” > “View Certificates”
  4. Then Click “Authorities” and then “Import”
  5. Import each file individually from the “AllCerts” folder. When you do this, the below box will popup. Check all three boxes and click “OK”

Step 4: Download and install CAC Enabler

  1. Download zip
  2. Double click the .zip file
  3. Because this is from an unidentified developer, you’ll need to hold down “Control” and click the program. Now select open and continue with install procedure.
  4. After installing, restart your computer

CAC Access at Home Success

Now that you have a CAC reader, certificates, and a CAC Enabler, you should now be able to access any CAC-enabled website and log on using your CAC password and data.

Common Reasons Why Your CAC Card Won’t Work On Your Mac

Ensure Your CAC Card Meets the Standards: In order for your CAC card to work, it must meet the minimal requirements. Currently, there are only four types of CAC cards that can be used. The ensure you have the right CAC card for online access, flip your CAC card to the back and if you have one of the below numbers written on the top left, then you are good to go:

  • G&D FIPS 201 SCE 3.2
  • Oberthur ID one 128 v5.5 Dual

If you do not have any of the above written on the back, then proceed to your nearest PSD to get a new CAC card issued.

Active3 years, 2 months ago

I would like to install PKCS#11 Tokend to my Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11.2) so I can access PKCS#11 enabled devices from Safari.


I downloaded and install Smart Card Services for El Capitan from

This is the first video where I am taking the SD card out of the camera and inserting it into my laptop to download the pictures. Card reader for mac and pc. Moving images from SD card without a cable. She was not entirely sure what she was having problems with so I have decided to make a couple of videos over the next few days to help her out. A friend of mine asked me to make a video to help her mother-in-law move images from her SD card to her computer.

Now I have Tokend installed in /Library/Security/tokend but there is no PKCS11.tokend, there are the following:

  • BELPIC.tokend
  • CAC.tokend
  • CACNG.tokend
  • JPKI.tokend
  • PIV.tokend

So I read on the following site that it should be included, or it can be built and copied to tokend directory to access PKCS#11 libraries stored in /usr/lib/pkcs11 or /usr/local/lib/pkcs11:

But I am not even able to successfully install darwinbuild.Also I don't want to build the whole Smart Card Services solution, I would like to build just PKCS#11.tokend and use it with KeyChain.

Cac Reader For Apple

The building steps are not very clear for me.

How to do it for El Capitan?Or is there any version that is already built and can be used?

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2 Answers

El Capitan is tricky because Apple has implemented SIP (System Integrity Protection) which prevents write access to various system folders.. (systemlibrarysecurity , librarysecurity, etc)

If you want to move forward with installing SCS or if you want to try manually adding/removing tokend files.. you'll have to disable SIP first.

Apple Mac OS X Lion 10.7 and Adobe PDF Reader. Adobe Readers V10.1 may be the recent release from Adobe.So within this publish let me tell you about download and install of Adobe readers for Apple Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. About Adobe Reader for Mac Adobe Acrobat was the first software to support Adobe Systems' Portable Document Format (PDF). It is a family of software, some commercial and some free of charge. Pdf for mac free download. Home » PDF Studio Viewer » Download Free PDF Reader for Windows, Mac and Linux Download Free PDF Reader PDF Studio Viewer is a Free PDF Viewer for Windows, Mac and Linux. Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a two-step process. First you download the installation package, and then you install Acrobat Reader DC from that package file.

  • Reboot into Recovery Mode (hold down Command+R)
  • Open Utilites > Terminal
  • Type 'csrutil disable' and hit enter
  • Reboot, and you'll be able to edit system files and/or install SCS.

Some extra advice regarding PKCS..If you know what type of card you have, contact the manufacturer to get the appropriate PKCS tokend file. One size does not fit all unfortunately.

If you want to determine what type of card you have, plug in your reader, plug in the card, open Terminal and type pcsctest. When it asks for reader number type 01 and hit enter.

How To Install Cac Reader On Mac El Capitan

On that page, you'll find an ATR code. Grab that code and paste it here:

How To Install Cac Card Reader For Mac

You should then have a manufacturer result. Search specifically for that smartcard manufacturer's PKCS libraries online (typically a .tokend file)

Good luck!! Windows reader for mac ntfs.

Dominic ZanardiDominic Zanardi

In my experience, you'd be better off using OpenSC with tokend fork. It builds OK on Mac OS X 10.10 and 10.11, and supports RSA and ECC tokens (and SHA-2).

Mac Friendly Cac Reader


Cac Reader For Macbook

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