Online Casino Word Hunt For Thanksgiving Answer

Story of Thanksgiving. Introduce the history of the Thanksgiving holiday with this Scavenger Hunt. Printable Student Handout Worksheet; Web Resources: Updated web link; Answer key for the work sheet; Scavenger Hunts from previous weeks.

Keeping the kids entertained and out of trouble before Thanksgiving dinner is ready can definitely be a real challenge. That is why I have created a bunch of fun free printable Thanksgiving themed activities to keep everyone happy and occupied! Today, I’ll be sharing the free printable Thanksgiving Word Scramble game.

Thanksgiving is a time for family to come together and celebrate everything and everyone that they are grateful for this year. A lot of the times, this includes family members that you haven’t seen all year, or in some cases, many years.

It can sometimes be difficult to break the ice between distant relatives. I’m sure you’re getting tired of your crazy uncle asking you if you have a boyfriend yet, or your great grandma asking for help with her new cell phone.

That is where planned games and activities come in! Working together to figure out puzzles, complete word searches and participate in other challenging activities are a great way to get everyone talking and having fun. And that’s really what this season is all about isn’t it?

My mom usually goes all out for holiday games. She creates packets of fun games and activities for us to work on. We all break into teams and have a blast. Before you know it, everyone is laughing (and sometimes getting super competitive) and having a great time.

The joke in our family is that one of my brother’s work always needs to be triple checked before he is claimed the winner. For some reason, he always manages to find a loophole in a game or find a way to secretly cheat!

I remember one time my mom had put together a full on scavenger hunt during one of our holiday get togethers. This was a particularly challenging one as we all had to get into our cars and find more unique items that weren’t generally kept in the house. We were instructed to take pictures of all the items on the list and then report back to my parents when we were done.

One item on the list was to “take a photo of a for sale sign in front of someone’s house.” My team and my younger brother’s team were off searching the neighborhood for a house that was for sale. My second brother on the other hand, was searching Google.

We all reported back to my parents to show them the scavenger hunt photos and to see who would be crowned this year’s winner. When it came to show our for sale signs, while the rest of the teams had found a real house in our neighborhood, my brother showed my mom what was clearly a watermarked stock photo of a house for sale that he found on the internet.


Once again, he had found a loophole in the game! I guess the rules didn’t specify if the photo had to be of an actual house in our town, or somebody else’e photo of a house. I think next year we’ll be banning phones all together and go back to disposal cameras like the old days!

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This free printable word search game features the classic Thanksgiving and fall colors. With falling leaves and a fun hat wearing turkey, this game will fit perfectly into just about any holiday party decor.

Online Casino Word Hunt For Thanksgiving Answer

There are 15 Thanksgiving themed words to unscramble. But don’t worry! I have also included a handy dandy answer key so you don’t have to do the puzzle yourself. Unless you want to that is! I always have a great time trying to unscramble words. I feel like the shorter the word, sometimes the harder it can be to solve!

How to make Word Scramble Games a little more interesting:

Don’t get me wrong, I think printable games are great on their own. However, when playing with a large group of people… say all of your friends and family members on Thanksgiving Day; you may want to introduce a bit of competition into the mix.

One way to make the game a little more challenging is to set a timer for 5 minutes. Have all of your dinner guests begin working on the word scramble. When time runs out, whichever person has the most correct answers, wins!

Another idea would be to have everyone work on the word scramble game at their leisure. Once completed, have everyone write their name on top and place their finished game into a box.

At some point throughout the holiday party, someone will pick a piece of paper out of the box. Whoever’s game is chosen, will win a prize. However, make sure to check their answers! Any wrong words and the prize will go to the second drawn winner.

For the winner, you can either hand out a small (or large depending on how competitive you want this to get) prize, or maybe they will just get bragging rights as the word scramble champion until the next Thanksgiving. Or maybe the winner can simply be excused from helping with the clean up after dinner time.

I know I’d be totally content with laying on the couch until dessert is ready to be served!

Thanksgiving Word Scramble

Each 8.5×11 inch pdf will print two word scramble games per page. For the best quality, I would recommend printing the games out on white cardstock.

Once printed, you can cut the two games apart using scissors or a paper cutter if you happen to have one on hand. This is the paper cutter that I currently have at my desk and can say that it has definitely gotten a ton of use!

Download links are located at the bottom of this post.

Thanksgiving will be here before you know it! Be prepared with these fun free activities to keep all the kids busy while waiting for dinner time!

Be sure to check out the other matching free printable activities:

Thanksgiving Word Search – A classic word search game with Thanksgiving themed words.

Thankful ABC Game – Try and think of something you are grateful for for each letter of the alphabet.

Thanksgiving Placemats – A free printable activity placemat that will entertain the kids while keeping your table clean!

Thanksgiving I Spy Game – A fun activity to count how many of each Thanksgiving themed item you can find in the picture above.

Download Links:

Online Casino Word Hunt For Thanksgiving Answers

Download Thanksgiving Word Scramble Games

Download Thanksgiving Word Scramble Answer Key