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Many website owners use PHP with their websites to expand the capabilities of the sites. Before you can enable PHP on a Mac, you first have to enable Apache. Both PHP and Apache are free open source software programs and both come installed on all Macs. PHP is server-side software, and Apache is the most widely used web server software. Enabling Apache and PHP on a Mac isn't difficult to do.

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NaturalReader Online is a text to speech web application with high quality premium voices for personal use only. Login from any computer to convert any written text such as MS Word, PDF files, non-DRM eBooks, and webpages into spoken natural sounding speech. Publish with Mac or Windows. Online PDF Viewer. FlowPaper supports the full set of features expected from a modern viewer such as searching, highlighting and printing. We provide start-up scripts for PHP and ASP.NET making configuration and publishing as easy as uploading a file.

Enable Apache on MacOS

To enable Apache, open the app, which is located in the Mac's Applications > Utilities folder. You need to switch to the root user in Terminal so you can run commands without any permission issues. To switch to the root user and start Apache, enter the following code into Terminal.

apachectl start

That's it. If you want to test if it worked, enter http://localhost/ in a browser, and you should see the standard Apache test page.

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Enabling PHP for Apache

Make a backup of the current Apache configuration before you begin. This is a good practice as the configuration may change with future upgrades. Do this by entering the following in Terminal:

cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.sierra

vi httpd.conf

LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

apachectl restart

Note: When Apache is running, its identity is sometimes 'httpd,' which is short for 'HTTP daemon.' This example code assumes a PHP 5 version and MacOS Sierra. As the versions are upgraded, the code must change to accommodate new information.

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Verify That PHP Is Enabled

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To verify that PHP is enabled, create a phpinfo() page in your DocumentRoot. In MacOS Sierra, the default DocumentRoot is located in /Library/WebServer/Documents. Verify this from the Apache configuration:

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Create the phpinfo() page in your DocumentRoot:


echo '<?php phpinfo();' > /Library/WebServer/Documents/phpinfo.php

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Now open a browser and enter http://localhost/phpinfo.php to verify that PHP is enabled for Apache.

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Additional Apache Commands

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You've already learned how to start Apache in Terminal mode with apachectl start. Here are a few more command lines you might need. They should be executed as the root user in Terminal. If not, prefix them with .

apachectl stop

apachectl graceful-stop

apachectl restart

apachectl graceful

httpd -v

Note: A 'graceful' start, restart or stop prevents an abrupt halt to proceedings and allows ongoing processes to complete.