Cuphead Clip Joint Calamity Slot Machine

There are countless references to games and old-school animation scattered throughout Cuphead.The Clip Joint Calamity level, where you battle two toads on a riverboat is packed with Street Fighter.

World 1

Botanic Panic (The garden bed)
Three enemies here.
1. Potato. He will shoot things with plenty of room to jump in between. The worm is parriable.
2. Onion. He will cry, and tears will fall from the sky. Dodge these.
3. Carrot. He will shoot mini carrots as homing missiles. Dodge them. He also has a psychic attack when his eyes light up. It will be a circle ray. Dodge it. Also don’t forget to use your super!

Clip Joint Calamity
1. First phase is easy enough with one frog shooting easy projectiles to dodge if you are at the far left of the screen, while the 2nd shoots a firebug that acts like a space invader attack.
2. Second phase is easy if you stand in the middle of the screen. Fight the 2nd frogs wind attack (hilarious) while dodging the first frogs projectile.
3. Third phase is a bit harder but easy to manage. It turns into a slot machine with 3 possible attacks. (parry the slot machines arm)
a. Frogs. Easies to dodge, just jump and avoid the spikes on the sides.
b. Bulls. Look for the blob to see if the attack will be coming from the top or bottom of the spiky barrels.
c. Tigers. A bit harder in that the barrels will have balls of flame. You can stand on top of the barrels safely as long as you avoid the balls.

Ruse of an Ooze (Moving trees top left of map)
This guy’s phase 2 he grows, and is hard to dodge. Skip this for now until you have enough coins to buy the “smoke bomb” charm from the store, which allows you to take no damage while dashing.

Floral Fury (Patch of grass top right of map)
This guy has a few main attacks, from dropping seeds which sprout into turrets to shooting things from his mouth. The things to watch out for are:
1. Root attack. When this happens stand on the middle cup. You will see roots spring up to two different cups. The 3rd one will be safe.
2. Full screen melee. You can watch for this with the glow of his face, as if he’s pointing level it will go out to the cups, if lower, he will extend below the cups.

Threatenen Zeppelin (Top right of map)
You are a plane for this one! There are several phases in this one, be prepared for a long one.
a. The grumpy girl. Her words “HA” is a projectile. She has a delay and coil before she charges for her full screen attack. This can also hits you while she comes back on the screen! Also a minibomber that shoots projectiles. She will change back to this occasionally. When she uses her tornado, be sure to hit “y” to be smaller and faster, making it easier to dodge.
b. Bull. There isn’t much delay for the full screen melee here, so be careful! Also with the bomber and projectiles.
c. Twins. This has a ball turret that makes projectiles in a 360 degree attack.
d. Cupid. Shoots arrows, as well as homing star projectiles. Remember to hit “Y” to become smaller and get in better position!
e. Crescent moon. This dangerous form shoots stars as projectiles. Spaceships come over the top, and the beams straight down will shoot at you.

Mausoleum (Lower middle of map)
Very straightforward and easy. Parry the ghosts.

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Cuphead, developed by StudioMDHR Entertainment, is a run and gun platform indie title. Overall, the narrative follows Cuphead and his brother Mugman, as they end up making a terrible bet against the devil. Losing the bet, Cuphead and Mugman are forced to give their souls to the devil, but it seems that our protagonist duo can save themselves if they go out and collect debts.

The devil has a number of souls that are owed to him by other sorrowful cartoon characters. If Cuphead and Mugman can go out and collect all the souls then the devil may just allow them to keep their own souls in return. However, debt collecting is easier said than done, both Cuphead and Mugman will have a difficult road ahead of themselves.

Most of the game is based around boss battles and each can be rather difficult to go through. However, if you need a hand then look no further, we’re here to offer a guide on how to defeat each boss in the video game.

You will want to take notice that the game will force players to go through boss battles in regular mode in order to claim the souls. If you’re having a difficult time defeating a boss then go through the simple mode a few times to get the hang of things before attempting the regular session which will up the difficulty.

Without further ado, check out the boss guide down below along with our other boss guides for Cuphead.

Find More Cuphead Guides Featured On Gameranx

Clip Joint Calamity Boss Guide

Clip Join Calamity will pin players against two toads ready to duke it out though it seems that you only have to defeat the shortest toad, for purposes of this guide, we’ll refer to the short toad as Toad A and the tall toad as Toad B.

Toad A

Starting off the battle, Toad A will send out flying fist attacks which are relatively easy to dodge just by ducking or jumping over them. However, they can be spammed your way so keeping note that the pink colored fists can be parried should help a bit during the attacks.

MachineCuphead clip joint calamity slot machines

Mid way into the battle, the toad will start to spin in place, get ready to jump and dash over to the other side of the level. It’s at this side that the toad will resort to the same attacks with the inclusion of a new attack.

The new attack Toad A will deliver is a homing style fist attack. These are a bit more rare in comparison to the normal fist attacks the toad delivers.

Lastly, Toad A can transform into a slot machine and send out attacks similar to the fist attacks, these can be dodged by dunking or hopping on the attacks as platforms.

Toad B

Cuphead Clip Joint Calamity Slot Machine Free Play

Toad B acts as more of a support for Toad A. You’ll only have to worry about two moves from this toad which at first he will send out flaming bees which will hover and slowly make their way towards you. A single shot should take care of them and at the rate they move, you should have not trouble getting through them.

Cuphead Clip Joint Calamity Music

Lastly, when Toad A spins to the other side of the map, Toad B will transform into a fan and blow Cuphead towards Toad A. This will happen in spurts so focus on dodging Toad A’s attacks and moving away from the direction you’re being sent towards.

Cuphead Clip Joint Calamity Slot Machine Machines

If you keep attacking Toad A you’ll eventually defeat the boss level.